Tailored Jeans Care 101: How to Make Your eniM Jeans Last Way Longer

Tailored jeans are becoming a symbol of timeless fashion and personalized style. Our team at eniM believes that each one of you is unique, and the way you dress reflects your distinct personality. To make you fall in love with what you wear, we exclusively make custom jeans to accommodate your specific body proportions and accentuate your look. With us, you can craft and design remarkable denim that is as exceptional as you are. 

Whether you prefer an elegant, classy, or bold style, our custom made jeans will undoubtedly offer the perfect blend of quality and comfort. Our commitment to superior craftsmanship has enabled us to create the perfect pair of tailored jeans for individuals with differently-sized bodies. 

With meticulous attention to detail, we have embodied the personal taste of thousands of customers to date. If you have been struggling with getting your hands on that perfect-fitting pair of jeans, worry no more. With eniM, step into the fashion world where your imagination turns into the blueprint for sartorial perfection. 

If you're already thinking of owning a pair of the best custom jeans, we want you to think a lil further. Once you add a pair of tailored jeans to your collection, you will need to take care of certain aspects to keep them new - as bought on day one. Today we're here to talk about how to achieve 101 tailored jeans care feat. Let's get rolling!

How to Maintain and Take Care of Your eniM Tailored Jeans in the Long Run?

Custom Jeans

If you ask a set of people about how they maintain their denim jeans, you will mostly get different answers. While some may say they wash their jeans once a week, others may say they do it once a month or even once in two months! Apparently, the CEO of Levis, Charles V. Bergh, once said that he didn't wash his pair for ten years. 

Ironically, it's true - the less you wash your jeans, the better. Washing them too often will ultimately fade the shade and whiskers. Typically, after every four to five wears, you must consider washing your jeans. Let's together know what else should be done to maintain the newness of your tailored jeans. 

Read the Labels

Custom Jeans in Mumbai

The first and foremost thing you should do is carefully read the labels of your custom made jeans. Well, most of you ignore reading it, right? People are more concerned about the fit than taking out time to read the basic instructions.

Well, if you want your custom jeans to last long, from now onwards, take some time and just READ. eniM, your custom jeans maker, ensures to include a precise list of the do's and dont's to every single piece. 

When a small habit can turn out to be your denim's savior, why not get used to it, right!?

Washing Techniques

Custom made Jeans

When it boils down to washing your tailored jeans, it's of utmost importance to strike a balance between some crucial aspects. To maintain the quality of your custom jeans, follow some simple steps as mentioned below.

1] Frequency 

At all costs, avoid washing your tailored jeans too often. If you wash them frequently, you'll start noticing the fabric fading and losing its shape. An ideal way to deal with this is spot cleaning. Otherwise, you can even opt to air dry your jeans between each wear to keep them fresh for longer. 

2] Hand Washing

As far as possible, prefer washing your tailored jeans with your hand - in cold water. You must make it a habit to use a mild detergent that is specially formulated and meant for denim. To prevent any kind of damage, always stick to gently rubbing the fabric rather than excessively scrubbing it. 

3] Machine Washing

If you are among the people who prefer machine washing, we've got a solution for you as well. Always, we repeat, ALWAYS turn your jeans inside out when you put them in the washing machine. Also, ensure to fasten the buttons and zip the zipper. 

It's highly recommended to only use gentle or delicate cycles with cold water. Additionally, refrain from using any bleach or harsh detergent to avoid your custom made jeans from fading or fiber weakening. 

4] Drying

Drying your jeans well is a very important step of the denim care routine. To maintain the shape of your tailored jeans and prevent them from shrinking, it's best to air dry them in a well-ventilated space. The right way to hang them to dry is UPSIDES DOWN. 

Always keep in mind to turn your denim inside out before hanging them to avoid direct contact with sunlight. This way, you can protect your favorite denim from fading quickly and, in turn, procrastinate its aging. 


If you wish to use a dryer, please ensure to choose the LOW-HEAT setting. 

Stain Removal Techniques

Tailored Jeans

Everyone is prone to end up having a stain on their piece of clothing. When it comes to your tailored jeans, you may get a bit more worried than otherwise. So, to avoid damaging the fabric and effectively removing stains, follow the tips mentioned below. 

1] Act Quickly Whenever Possible

The sooner you get on to removing stains from your denim fabric, the better. Why? Well, if you leave the stain on your custom jeans for longer, it starts setting into the fabric. The best way to deal with such a situation is to gently blot the affected area with a paper towel or clean cloth. This will help you get rid of the excess moisture. 

2] Spot Cleaning

Only use a specialized denim stain remover or mild detergent to remove the stain. The right way to do so is as follows:

  • Apply a small amount of detergent on the affected area
  • Gently rub the product either with a cloth or a soft-bristled brush
  • Rinse the stained area thoroughly (with cold water)

3] Dealing with Stubborn Stains

If your denim has an oil or grease stain, it may be a lil difficult to get it out, but it's not impossible. To effectively remove tough stains, do the following:

  • Apply a considerable amount of cornstarch or baking soda
  • Let the product sit on the affected area for a few minutes 
  • After the oil seems to be absorbed, brush the product off 
  • Then use a stain remover, and you'll be good to go

Storing Techniques

Best Custom Jeans Online

To preserve your favorite custom made jeans, you need to ensure that it's stored with utmost care. Follow the guidelines listed below to keep your denim in optimal condition.

1] Folding

To avoid your tailored jeans from stretching unnecessarily, avoid hanging them for extended periods. The right way to prevent unwanted wrinkles is neatly folding your denim following the original creases.

2] Protection

To protect your jeans from light and dust, always store them in a drawer or a breathable cotton bag. This practice will help in maintaining the color vibrancy of your denim. 

3] Avoid Overcrowding

Jeans material is meant to survive rough wear and tear. However, it doesn't mean that you treat them in your wardrobe in a similar fashion. You must make enough space for your denim to avoid it from getting creased or crushed by other garments. This way, you can effortlessly maintain its shape all the way through. 

Well, this is it for today. If you still don't own a pair of tailored jeans, you must give it a try. At eniM, you can find the best custom jeans in Mumbai. 

So don't wait; we know you'll get something great!

About eniM

eniM has been the destination for thousands of folks looking for the best custom jeans online. Our team of skilled designers, makers, and sewers is dedicated to creating tailored jeans that are fashionable and fit you like a glove. We have extensive customization options to make sure that the final product is exactly as you imagined it to be. 

We help you express your distinct style and create a pair of custom jeans that is one-of-a-kind. Say hello to custom-fit jeans and goodbye to ill-fitting jeans. Get absolute freedom - right from choosing fabric to choosing style, design, and finishing touches. 

Experience the joy of wearing custom made jeans designed to fit your beautiful, unique body. Go browse our collection, unleash your creativity, and help us create the jeans of your dreams!

If this is your first time, talk to our expert designers and achieve your desired look!

Choose Comfort and Fit and Repeat!


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